Brief information about completed space shuttle missions.
Mission | Shuttle | Launch Date | Landing Date | Days | Crew | Main Payload | Notes |
STS 1 | Columbia | 12APR1981 | 14APR1981 | 2 |  | DFI, ACIP | First Shuttle Flight. |
STS 2 | Columbia | 12NOV1981 | 14NOV1981 | 2 |  | OFT | First re-flight of an orbiter. |
STS 3 | Columbia | 22MAR1982 | 30MAR1982 | 8 |  | OSS-1, DFI ACIP | First landing at White Sands, NM. |
STS 4 | Columbia | 27JUN1982 | 4JUL1982 | 7 |  | DoD 82-1 G-001 | First Get Away Special flight. |
STS 5 | Columbia | 11NOV1982 | 16NOV1982 | 5 |  | ANIK-C3 SitS- C | Deployed two commercial satellites. |
STS-6 | Challenger | 4APR1983 | 9APR1983 | 5 |  | TDRS-A | Deployment of TDRS-A (TDRS-1). |
STS-7 | Challenger | 18JUN1983 | 24JUN1983 | 6 |  | ANIK-C2 PALAPA-B1 | Deployed two commercial satellites. |
STS-8 | Challenger | 30AUG1983 | 5SEP1983 | 6 |  | INSAT-1B | Deployed INSAT-1B satellite. |
STS-9 | Columbia | 28NOV1983 | 8DEC1983 | 10 |  | Spacelab | Spacelab-1. |
STS-41-B | Challenger | 3FEB1984 | 11FEB1984 | 8 |  | WESTAR-VI PALAPA-B2 | First flight of manned maneuvering unit. |
STS-41-C | Challenger | 6APR1984 | 13APR1984 | 7 |  | LDEF | Deployed LDEF satellite. Repaired Solar Max satellite. |
STS-41-D | Discovery | 30AUG1984 | 5DEP1984 | 4 |  | SBS-D SYNCOM IV-2 TELSTAR. | Three satellites deployed. Deployed OAST-1 solar wing. |
STS-41-G | Challenger | 5OCT1984 | 13OCT1984 | 8 |  | OSTA-3 ERBS | Deployed two satellites. Conducted Orbital Refueling experiment. |
STS-51-A | Discovery | 8NOV1984 | 16NOV1984 | 8 |  | ANIK-D2 LEASAT-1 | Deployed two satellites. Retrieved PALAPA-B2 and WESTAR-VI. |
STS-51-C | Discovery | 24JAN1985 | 27JAN1985 | 3 |  | DoD 85-1 | DoD mission. |
STS-51-D | Discovery | 12APR1985 | 19APR1985 | 7 |  | LEASAT-3 ANIK-E2 | Deployed two satellites. |
STS-51-B | Challenger | 29APR1985 | 6MAY1985 | 7 |  | Spacelab-3 | Spacelab-3. |
STS-51-G | Discovery | 17JUN1985 | 24JUN1985 | 7 |  | MORELOS-A ARABSAT-1B TELSTAR-3D | Deployed three satellites. |
STS-51-F | Challenger | 29JUL1985 | 6AUG1985 | 8 |  | Spacelab-2 | Spacelab-2. |
STS-51-I | Discovery | 27AUG1985 | 3SEP1985 | 7 |  | ASC-1 AUSSAT-1 LEASAT-4 | Deployed three satellites. Repaired and redeployed LEASAT-3. |
STS-51-J | Atlantis | 3OCT1985 | 7OCT1985 | 4 |  | | DoD Mission. |
STS-61-A | Challenger | 30OCT1985 | 6NOV1985 | 7 |  | Spacelab-D1 | German Spacelab mission. Eight person crew. |
STS-61-B | Atlantis | 26NOV1985 | 3DEC1985 | 7 |  | MORELOS-B SATCOM-KU2 AUSSAT-2 | Deployed three satellites. |
STS-61-C | Columbia | 12JAN1986 | 18JAN1986 | 6 |  | SATCOM-KU1 CHAMP | Deployed SATCOM-KU1 satellite. |
STS-51-L | Challenger | 28JAN1986 | --- | 0 |  | TDRS-A | Explosion 73 seconds after liftoff. Loss of vehicle and crew. |
STS-26 | Discovery | 29SEP1988 | 3OCT1988 | 4 |  | TDRS-C | Deployment of TDRS-C (TDRS-3). |
STS-27 | Atlantis | 2DEC1988 | 6DEC1988 | 4 |  | LACROSSE-1 | Classified DoD mission. |
STS-29 | Discovery | 13MAR1989 | 18MAR1989 | 5 |  | TDRS-D | Deployment of TDRS-D (TDRS-4). |
STS-30 | Atlantis | 4MAY1989 | 8MAY1989 | 4 |  | Magellan / IUS | Launch of Venus Radar Mapper. |
STS-28 | Columbia | 8AUG1989 | 13AUG1989 | 5 |  | SDS-B1 | Classified DoD mission. |
STS-34 | Atlantis | 18OCT1989 | 23OCT1989 | 5 |  | Galileo / IUS | Launch of Jupiter Orbiter. |
STS-33 | Discovery | 22NOV1989 | 27NOV1989 | 5 |  | ORION-2 | Classified DoD mission. |
STS-32 | Columbia | 9JAN1990 | 20JAN1990 | 11 |  | SYNCOM IV-F5 | LDEF Retrieval. |
STS-36 | Atlantis | 28FEB1990 | 4MAR1990 | 4 |  | | Classified DoD mission. |
STS-31 | Discovery | 24APR1990 | 29APR1990 | 5 |  | HST | Hubble Space Telescope deployment. |
STS-41 | Discovery | 6OCT1990 | 10OCT1990 | 4 |  | Ulysses | Launch of Solar Probe. |
STS-38 | Atlantis | 15NOV1990 | 20NOV1990 | 5 |  | SDS-B2 | Classified DoD mission. |
STS-35 | Columbia | 2DEC1990 | 10DEC1990 | 9 |  | ASTRO-1 | Astronomical observations. |
STS-37 | Atlantis | 5APR1991 | 11APR1991 | 6 |  | GRO | Deployment of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. |
STS-39 | Discovery | 28APR1991 | 6MAY1991 | 8 |  | | DoD Mission. |
STS-40 | Columbia | 5JUN1991 | 14JUN1991 | 9 |  | Spacelab SLS-1 | Spacelab Live Sciences-1. |
STS-43 | Atlantis | 2AUG1991 | 11AUG1991 | 9 |  | TDRS-E | Deployment of TDRS-E (TDRS-5). |
STS-48 | Discovery | 12SEP1991 | 18SEP1991 | 5 |  | UARS | Deployed UARS. |
STS-44 | Atlantis | 24NOV1991 | 1DEC1991 | 7 |  | DSP | Deployment of DSP satellite. |
STS-42 | Discovery | 22JAN1992 | 30JAN1992 | 8 |  | Spacelab IML-1 | International Microgravity Laboratory. |
STS-45 | Atlantis | 24MAR1992 | 2APR1992 | 9 |  | Spacelab | ATLAS-1 |
STS-49 | Endeavour | 7MAY1992 | 7MAY1992 | 9 |  | | Repair of Intelsat VI. |
STS-50 | Columbia | 25JUN1992 | 9JUL1992 | 14 |  | Spacelab USML-1 | U.S. Microgravity Laboratory. |
STS-46 | Atlantis | 31JUL1992 | 8AUG1992 | 8 |  | EURECA, TSS-1 | European Retrievable Carrier and Teathered Satellite System. |
STS-47 | Endeavour | 12SEP1992 | 20SEP1992 | 8 |  | Spacelab SL-J | Spacelab-J |
STS-52 | Columbia | 22OCT1992 | 1NOV1992 | 10 |  | LAGEOS-II USMP-1 | U.S. Microgravity Payload. |
STS-53 | Discovery | 2DEC1992 | 9DEC1992 | 7 |  | SDS-B3 | DoD Mission. |
STS-54 | Endeavour | 13JAN1993 | 19JAN1993 | 6 |  | TDRS-F | Deployment of TDRS-F (TDRS-6). |
STS-56 | Discovery | 8APR1993 | 17APR1993 | 9 |  | SPARTAN-201 ATLAS-2 | Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science |
STS-55 | Columbia | 26APR1993 | 6MAY1993 | 10 |  | Spacelab D-2 | Spacelab D-2. |
STS-57 | Endeavour | 21JUN1993 | 1JUL1993 | 10 |  | SPACEHAB, EURECA | Materials and life sciences. |
STS-51 | Discovery | 12SEP1993 | 22SEP1993 | 10 |  | ACTS | Advanced Communications Technology Satellite was deployed. |
STS-58 | Columbia | 18OCT1993 | 1NOV1993 | 14 |  | Spacelab SLS-2 | Spacelab Life Sciences mission. |
STS-61 | Endeavour | 2DEC1993 | 13DEC1993 | 11 |  | IMAX Camera | HST Servicing Mission 1. |
STS-60 | Discovery | 3FEB1994 | 11FEB1994 | 7 |  | Spacehab, WSF | Experiments conducted in Spacehab. |
STS-62 | Columbia | 4MAR1994 | 18MAR1994 | 14 |  | Spacelab USMP-2 | U.S. Microgravity Payload-2. |
STS-59 | Endeavour | 9APR1994 | 20APR1994 | 11 |  | SRL-1 | Shuttle Radar Laboratory-1 |
STS-65 | Columbia | 8JUL1994 | 23JUL1994 | 15 |  | Spacelab IML-2 | International Microgravity Payload. |
STS-64 | Discovery | 9SEP1994 | 20SEP1994 | 11 |  | LITE, ROMPS SPARTAN-201 | |
STS-68 | Endeavour | 30SEP1994 | 11OCT1994 | 11 |  | SRL-2 | Space Radar Laboratory-2 |
STS-66 | Atlantis | 3NOV1994 | 14NOV1994 | 11 |  | ATLAS-3 | Atmospheric Studies |
STS-63 | Discovery | 3FEB1995 | 11FEB1995 | 8 |  | | Rendezvous with Mir Space Station. |
STS-67 | Endeavour | 2MAR1995 | 18MAR1995 | 17 |  | Spacelab | ASTRO-2 |
STS-71 | Atlantis | 27JUN1995 | 7JUL1995 | 10 |  | | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-70 | Discovery | 13JUL1995 | 22JUL1995 | 9 |  | TDRS-G | Deployment of TDRS-G (TDRS-7). |
STS-69 | Endeavour | 7SEP1995 | 18DEP1995 | 11 |  | Spartan 201 WSF-2 | Deployed and retrieved two payloads. |
STS-73 | Columbia | 20OCT1995 | 5NOV1995 | 16 |  | Spacelab USML-2 | Microgravity research. |
STS-74 | Atlantis | 12NOV1995 | 20NOV1995 | 8 |  | MIR/ODS Docking Module | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-72 | Endeavour | 11JAN1996 | 20JAN1996 | 9 |  | OAST-FLYER | Retrieve Space Flyer Unit (SFU) |
STS-75 | Columbia | 22FEB1996 | 9MAR1996 | 16 |  | Spacelab USMP-3 TSS-1R | Tethered Satellite System (Teather broke) |
STS-76 | Atlantis | 22MAR1996 | 31MAR1996 | 9 |  | MIR/ODS Spacelab-SM | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-77 | Endeavour | 19MAY1996 | 29MAY1996 | 10 |  | SPACEHAB-04 SPARTAN-207 | Microgravity research aboard SPACEHAB. |
STS-78 | Columbia | 20JUN1996 | 7JUL1996 | 17 |  | Spacelab LMS-1 | Life and microgravity sciences. |
STS-79 | Atlantis | 16SEP1996 | 26DEP1996 | 10 |  | MIR/ODS Spacelab-DM | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-80 | Columbia | 19NOV1996 | 7DEC1996 | 18 |  | ORFEUS-SPAS WSF-3 | |
STS-81 | Atlantis | 12JAN1997 | 22JAN1997 | 10 |  | MIR/ODS Spacelab-DM | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-82 | Discovery | 11FEB1997 | 21FEB1997 | 10 |  | | HST Servicing Mission 2. |
STS-83 | Columbia | 4APR1997 | 8APR1997 | 4 |  | Spacelab MSL-1 | Mission ended early due to fuel cell problem. |
STS-84 | Atlantis | 15MAY1997 | 24MAY1997 | 9 |  | MIR/ODS Spacelab-DM | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-94 | Columbia | 1JUL1997 | 17JUL1997 | 16 |  | Spacelab MSL-1R | MSL-1 reflight. |
STS-85 | Discovery | 7AUG1997 | 19AUG1997 | 12 |  | CRISTA-SPAS MFD | Manipulator Flight Demonstration for NASDA. |
STS-86 | Atlantis | 25SEP1997 | 6OCT1997 | 11 |  | MIR/ODS Spacelab-DM | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-87 | Columbia | 19NOV1997 | 5DEC1997 | 16 |  | USMP-4 SPARTAN-201 | United States Microgravity Payload |
STS-89 | Endeavour | 22JAN1998 | 31JAN1998 | 9 |  | MIR/ODS Spacelab-DM | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-90 | Columbia | 17APR1998 | 3MAY1998 | 16 |  | Spacelab | Neurolab. |
STS-91 | Discovery | 2JUN1998 | 12JUN1998 | 10 |  | MIR/ODS Spacelab-DM | Docked with Mir Space Station. |
STS-95 | Discovery | 29OCT1998 | 7NOV1998 | 9 |  | SPACEHAB-SM Spartan-201 HOST | Tested components for the Hubble Space Telescope. |
STS-88 | Endeavour | 4DEC1998 | 15DEC1998 | 12 |  | Unity Node | ISS Assembly Mission 2A |
STS-96 | Discovery | 27MAY1999 | 6JUN1999 | 10 |  | ISS Supplies | ISS Assembly Mission 2A.1 |
STS-93 | Columbia | 23JUL1999 | 27JUL1999 | 5 |  | Chandra | Deployment of the Chandra X-ray observatory. |
STS-103 | Discovery | 19DEC1999 | 27DEC1999 | 8 |  | | HST Servicing Mission 3A. |
STS-99 | Endeavour | 11FEB2000 | 22FEB2000 | 11 |  | SRTM EarthKAM | Shuttle Radar Topography Mission |
STS-101 | Atlantis | 19MAY2000 | 29MAY2000 | 10 |  | ISS Supplies | ISS Assembly Mission 2A.2a |
STS-106 | Atlantis | 8SEP2000 | 20DEP2000 | 12 |  | ISS Supplies | ISS Assembly Mission 2A.2b |
STS-92 | Discovery | 11OCT2000 | 24OCT2000 | 13 |  | Z1 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 3A |
STS-97 | Endeavour | 30NOV2000 | 11DEC2000 | 11 |  | P6 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 4A |
STS-98 | Atlantis | 7FEB2001 | 20FEB2001 | 13 |  | Destiny Lab | ISS Assembly Mission 5A |
STS-102 | Discovery | 8MAR2001 | 21MAR2001 | 13 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission 5A.1 |
STS-100 | Endeavour | 19APR2001 | 1MAY2001 | 12 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission 6A |
STS-104 | Atlantis | 12JUL2001 | 24JUL2001 | 13 |  | Airlock | ISS Assembly Mission 7A |
STS-105 | Discovery | 10AUG2001 | 22AUG2001 | 12 |  | ISS Supplies | ISS Assembly Mission 7A.1 |
STS-108 | Endeavour | 5DEC2001 | 17DEC2001 | 12 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission UF-1 |
STS-109 | Columbia | 1MAR2002 | 12MAR2002 | 11 |  | | HST Servicing Mission 3B. |
STS-110 | Atlantis | 8APR2002 | 19APR2002 | 11 |  | S0 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 8A |
STS-111 | Endeavour | 5JUN2002 | 19JUN2002 | 14 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission UF-2 |
STS-112 | Atlantis | 7OCT2002 | 18OCT2002 | 11 |  | S1 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 9A |
STS-113 | Endeavour | 23NOV2002 | 7DEC2002 | 14 |  | P1 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 11A |
STS-107 | Columbia | 16JAN2003 | 1FEB2003 | 16 |  | SpaceHab-DM | Columbia was destroyed during re-entry. |
STS-114 | Discovery | 26JUL2005 | 9AUG2005 | 14 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission LF 1 |
STS-121 | Discovery | 4JUL2006 | 17JUL2006 | 13 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission ULF 1.1 |
STS-115 | Atlantis | 9SEP2006 | 21SEP2006 | 12 |  | P3/P4 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 12A |
STS-116 | Discovery | 9DEC2006 | 22DEC2006 | 13 |  | P5 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 12A.1 |
STS-117 | Atlantis | 8JUN2007 | 22JUN2007 | 14 |  | S3/S4 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 13A |
STS-118 | Endeavour | 8AUG2007 | 21AUG2007 | 13 |  | S5 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 13A.1 |
STS-120 | Discovery | 23OCT2007 | 7NOV2007 | 15 |  | Node 2 | ISS Assembly Mission 10A |
STS-122 | Atlantis | 7FEB2008 | 20FEB2008 | 13 |  | Columbus Lab | ISS Assembly Mission 1E |
STS-123 | Endeavour | 11MAR2008 | 26MAR2008 | 16 |  | ELM-PS | ISS Assembly Mission 1J/A |
STS-124 | Discovery | 31MAY2008 | 14JUN2008 | 14 |  | Kibo PM JEMRMS | ISS Assembly Mission 1J |
STS-126 | Endeavour | 14NOV2008 | 30NOV2008 | 16 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission ULF2 |
STS-119 | Discovery | 15MAR2009 | 28MAR2009 | 13 |  | S6 Truss | ISS Assembly Mission 15A |
STS-125 | Atlantis | 11MAY2009 | 24MAY2009 | 13 |  | | HST Servicing Mission 4. |
STS-127 | Endeavour | 15JUL2009 | 31JUL2009 | 15 |  | JEM-EF ELM-ES | ISS Assembly Mission 2J/A |
STS-128 | Discovery | 28AUG2009 | 11SEP2009 | 14 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission 17A |
STS-129 | Atlantis | 16NOV2009 | 27NOV2009 | 11 |  | ELC-1 & 2 | ISS Assembly Mission ULF3 |
STS-130 | Endeavour | 8FEB2010 | 21FEB2010 | 14 |  | Node 3 Cupola | ISS Assembly Mission 20A |
STS-131 | Discovery | 5APR2010 | 20APR2010 | 15 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission 19A |
STS-132 | Atlantis | 14MAY2010 | 26MAY2010 | 11 |  | MRM1 | ISS Assembly Mission ULF4 |
STS-133 | Discovery | 24FEB2011 | 9MAR2011 | 13 |  | PMM | ISS Assembly Mission ULF5 |
STS-134 | Endeavour | 16MAY2011 | 1JUN2011 | 16 |  | AMS | ISS Assembly Mission ULF6 |
STS-135 | Atlantis | 8JUL2011 | 21JUL2011 | 13 |  | MPLM | ISS Assembly Mission ULF7 Last shuttle mission. |