SpaceX is a space transportation company founded in 2002 by Elon Musk.
SpaceX headquarters, as well as production facilities and mission control, are located in Hawthorne, California.
The company operates rocket testing facilities near McGregor, Texas and near Brownsville, Texas.
SpaceX currently operates launch pads at Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral and Vandenberg Air Force base.
Early Falcon 1 test flights occurred at Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
In addition to launch vehicles, SpaceX has developed the Dragon space station re-supply vehicle.
The company has a contract with NASA to periodically fly supplies to the International Space Station.
SpaceX has developed a three-core rocket known as the Falcon Heavy.
The large rocket includes three modified Falcon 9 first stages and is one of the most powerful rockets currently in service.
The company has also developed a crewed spacecraft, known as Crew Dragon.
Crew Dragon was developed as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) program and is used to transport astronauts to the International Space Station.
The two-stage Falcon 1 rocket used RP-1 and LOX as propellants. A single Merlin engine powered the first stage, while a Kestral engine powered the second stage. Both engines were designed and built by SpaceX.
Five Falcon 1 rockets were launched between 2006 and 2009. The first three flights ended in failure, while the last two were successful. All flights were launched from Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
Falcon 9
Falcon 9 is a two stage space launch vehicle developed by SpaceX. Both stages are fueled with RP-1 kerosene and liquid oxygen.
The first stage is propelled by nine Merlin engines, while the second stage uses a single Merlin engine modified for use in the upper stage.
SpaceX builds both stages in-house at their production facility in Hawthorne, California.
Stages are test-fired at a facility near McGregor, Texas, before shipping to Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg Air Force base for launch.
The first Falcon 9 orbital mission was flown in June 2010.
SpaceX is developing technology to allow reuse of Falcon rocket first stages.
Falcon 9 v1.1
First flown in September, 2013, The Falcon 9 version 1.1 (right) featured significantly improved performance.
Upgrades included lengthened propellant tanks, upgraded engines, and a new thrust structure.
The first stage was designed to perform a controlled reentry and propulsive landing after completing its mission.
The first stage rocket arrangement changed from a three-by-three grid layout to a circular layout of eight engines surrounding a center engine.
Fifteen Falcon 9 1.1 rockets flew before beign replaced by the improved Falcon 9 FT.
Falcon 9 FT
The Falcon 9 FT, sometimes referred to as "Full Thrust" or version 1.2, was first flown in December 2015.
Fuel capacity was increased through the use of densified propellants and a slightly stretched second stage.
The upgrade also incorporated uprated engines and improved landing legs.
Falcon 9 Block-5
First flown in May, 2018, the Falcon 9 Block-5 incorporated modifications allowing more easier re-use of the first stage.
Falcon 9 First Stage Recovery Testing
First Stage Recovery Tests Left to right, Grasshopper, Falcon 9R, Falcon 9FT launch configuration and after recovery. (View Larger Version)
SpaceX has always believed rocket reuse was important for achieving their future goals.
When experiments using parachute aided recovery, conducted on early Falcon missions,
were not successful, plans were made to investigate propulsive landing.
To conduct propulsive landing experiments, a pair of test vehicles, known as Grasshopper and Falcon 9R
where built and tested at the SpaceX facility in McGregor Texas.
The first successful stage recovery, on an operational mission, occurred in December 2015 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
Boost Back Burn
On missions attempting to return to launch site, a boost back burn is performed.
After stage separation, the first stage uses gas jets to flip over, orienting itself toward its landing site.
A main engine burn is conducted to cancel the downrange momentum and propel the rocket toward the planned landing site.
Reentry Burn
As the rocket falls toward the atmosphere, the stage reorientates itself to point its engines into the direction of flight.
A burn is conducted to slow the rockets descent, reducing atmospheric heating.
As denser atmosphere is encountered, four grid fins, located on the interstage, help control the rockets attitude and trajectory.
Landing Burn
The rocket is in free-fall for most of the descent through the atmosphere.
As the landing site is neared, a final burn is initiated to slow the rocket.
Seconds before touchdown, four landing legs are deployed.
Landing Sites
When fuel margins are sufficient, a boost-back burn and return to launch site landing is possible.
However some missions, such as those launching heavy GTO payloads, may have insufficient fuel margins to conduct the boost-back burn.
In these cases, recovery may be accomplished downrange by landing on specially constructed drone ships at sea.
Early landing experiments, with operational boosters, occurred at sea. Either over open ocean, or on drone ships.
The first successful landing occurred on land at Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral.
The East coast drone ship, servicing missions launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy Space Center, is named "Of Course I Still Love You".
On the West coast, "Just Read The Instructions" supports mission lunched from Vandenberg Air Force Base.
SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft
Dragon Spacecraft
A frequent payload for Falcon 9 is the Dragon spacecraft.
Developed in conjunction with NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program,
the Dragon capsule is capable of carrying both pressurized and unpressurized cargo to the International Space Station.
At the end of each mission, the spacecraft can return pressurized cargo back to Earth.
SpaceX Crew Dragon Spacecraft
Crew Dragon Spacecraft
Crew Dragon was developed as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) program and is used to transport astronauts to the International Space Station.
An orbital test flight, including docking at the ISS, was successfully completed in March, 2019.
The first crewed mission to the ISS, SpX-DM2, was launched in May, 2020.
For more information about Falcon 9 and Dragon, visit the SpaceX website.
The Falcon Heavy is a heavy-lift launch vehicle based on Falcon 9 technology.
The rocket features a modified Falcon 9 first stage, with two additional stages used as strap-on boosters.
The second stage and fairing is similar to those used on the existing Falcon 9.
For most payloads, the three booster stages will be recoverable.
First Test Flight
The first Falcon Heavy test flight was flown on 6 Feb 2018.
The successful mission was launched from pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center and placed the payload,
a Tesla roadster, into a heliocentric orbit with an aphelion beyond the orbit of Mars.
Attempts were made to recover all three boosters. Each of the side boosters returned to successful landings at Cape Canaveral.
The planned core stage landing, on a barge at sea, failed.
Both side boosters were making their 2nd flight, each having launched payloads on previous missions.
Future Uses
Future payloads may include large communications satellites, Department of Defense payloads, and interplanetary