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Jupiter Rockets

Jupiter Rockets Overview

Originally designed as an intermediate range ballistic missile, the Jupiter missile would evolve into the Juno-II space launch vehicle..

Jupiter Missiles

Thor missile illustration

Developed in the 1950's, the Jupiter was designed as an intermediate range ballistic missile. The 2.67m diameter missile was powered by a single LR-79 rocket motor. As a nuclear armed missile, the Jupiter was briefly deployed in Turkey and Italy during the early 1960's. The Jupiter became the first stage for the Juno II satellite launcher.


Jupiter Missile at USSRC

Jupiter rocket at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2007)

Jupiter rocket Jupiter side view Jupiter fiew Jupiter nosecone detail Jupiter rocket view 1 Jupiter rocket view 2 Jupiter rocket view 3 Jupiter rocket aft view 1 Jupiter rocket aft view 2 Jupiter rocket aft view 3 Jupiter missle corrigations Jupiter missle launch base Jupiter rocket base Jupite missle launch platform Jupiter rocket detail

Jupiter Missile at the National Museum of the USAF

Jupiter Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) on display at the National Museum of the USAF. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2008)

Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile

Jupiter Missile at the Air Force Space and Missile Museum

Jupiter Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) on display at the Air Force Space and Missile Museum Rocket Garden. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009)

Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile Jupiter Missile

Juno II

Juno II Rocket illustration

Developed by adding solid propelled upper stages to a Jupiter first stage, the Juno II rocket was used to launch several of America's early satellite missions. Both Pioneer 3 and 4 (early Moon probes) were launched on Juno II rockets.


Juno II Rocket at KSC

Juno II rocket in the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center Rocket Garden. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009)

Juno II rocket Juno II rocket Juno II rocket Juno II rocket Juno II rocket Juno II rocket Juno II rocket Juno II rocket base detail Juno II rocket base detail Juno II rocket base detail

Juno II Rocket at USSRC

Juno II rocket at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2007)

Juno II rocket Juno II side view Juno 2 launch pad Juno 2 launch platform

S-3 (LR-79) Rocket Engine

The S-3 rocket was used on the Thor and Jupiter rockets. The military designation for the S-3 was LR-79.

S-3 engine on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force.

(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2007)

LR-79 Engine LR-79 Engine LR-79 LR-79 LR-79 Motor LR-79 LR-79 LR-79 Rocket

S-3 on display at the Udvar-Hazy Center.

(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2008)

S-3 Rocket overview S-3 Rocket thrust chamber S-3 Rocket side view S-3 Rocket fuel pumps S-3 Rocket
Creative Commons License Images by Richard Kruse are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.