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Space Graphics

This page includes many of the illustrations featured throughout the website. Most of these illustrations were created using CorelDraw.

Space Probes

Discovery program spacecraft comparison chart
Diagram showing spacecraft from the Discovery program.
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Space telescope comparison chart
Diagram showing several space telescopes.
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Outer planets exploration probe comparison chart
Comparison of outer planets exploration spacecraft.
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Lunar exploration spacecraft comparison chart
Comparison of lunar exploration spacecraft.
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Comparison of Mariner probes
Comparison of Mariner spacecraft.
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Mars probe comparison chart
Comparison of several Mars probes.
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Mars probe comparison chart
Comparison of Pioneer probes.
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Venus probes comparison chart
Comparison of several Venus probes.
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Planetary rovers comparison chart
Comparison of several rovers used on the Moon and Mars.
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Space Probes

Space probe diagrams using a series of renders I created in the 1990's using TurboCad.

Luna 16 Lunar Probe Lunokhod 2 Lunar Rover Luna 3 Lunar Probe Luna 9 Lunar Probe

Space Stations

Mir Space Station Illustration
Mir Space Station.
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Space station comparison chart
Size comparison of ISS and other space stations.
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International Space Station Illustration
International Space Station.
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Space Station Visiting Vehicles
Visiting Vehicles at the ISS.
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Comparison of several ISS supply vehicles.
Comparison of ISS Crew and Cargo Vehicles
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Upper Stages

Agena-A upper stage. Agena-B upper stage. Agena-D upper stage. Centaur D-1 upper stage. Centaur G upper stage. Centaur G-Prime upper stage. Centaur T upper stage for Titan IV. Centaur D2 upper stage. Centaur D3 SEC upper stage. Saturn S-IV upper stage. Saturn S-IVB upper stage. IUS upper stage. Titan Transtage upper stage. Delta 2 Second stage. Delta IV Second stage. Delta 4 Second stage. Block DM upper stage. Fregat upper stage. Briz-M upper stage. Briz-KM upper stage. EPS upper stage. ESC-A upper stage. ESC-B upper stage. TE-M-364 Solid Rocket Motor. PAM-D upper stage. Falcon 9 upper stage. Astronalut for scale.


First orbital launches.
First Orbital Launches
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Comparison of Minuteman, Peacekeeper, and Minotaur rockets.
Minuteman, Peacekeeper, and Minotaur Rockets
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Solid rocket motor comparison chart
Diagram showing 66 solid rocket motors.
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Illustration of Titan rockets.
Titan Rockets
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Illustration of SpaceX Falcon rockets.
SpaceX Falcon Rockets
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Illustration of Chinese rockets.
Chinese Rockets
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Illustration of Japanese rockets.
Japanese Rockets
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Indian rockets.
ISRO Rockets
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Rockets
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Illustration of Saturn rockets.
Saturn Rockets
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Rockets that have Launched Humans into Orbit
Rockets that have Launched Humans into Orbit
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Illustration of Saturn I rockets.
Saturn I Rockets
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Illustration of space shuttle and Buran.
Shuttle Comparison with Buran
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Falcon 9 First Stage Landing Tests.
SpaceX First Stage Recovery Tests
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Illustration of Lunar rockets.
Moon Rockets
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Image and Illustration Use Policy

Images and illustrations found on HistoricSpacecraft.com, credited to Richard Kruse, may be used by third parties for educational or other non-commercial purposes as long as a link is provided back to HistoricSpacecraft.com, or to the sub-page of historicspacecraft.com where the image or illustration was found.

Reproduction for commercial purposes requires prior approval (Almost always granted!). Email Richard for commercial usage requests.

NOTE: To conserve bandwith, I downsample almost all images uploaded to Historic Spacecraft. Higher resolution images will be available for publication purposes.

Creative Commons License Images by Richard Kruse are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.