Historic Spacecraft Historic Spacecraft Logo

Launch Pads

Launch Complex 5/6 (LC-5/6)

Launch Complex 5/6 was used to launch Jupiter, Redstone, and Mercury-Redstone rockets. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

Blockhouse Exterior

Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse

Blockhouse Interior

Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse Launch Complex 5/6 Blockhouse

Pad 5

Pad 5 Pad 5 Pad 5 Pad 5 Pad 5

Pad 6

Pad 6 Pad 6

Launch Complex 14 (LC-14)

Launch Complex 14 was a launch site for Atlas rockets. The Mercury-Atlas manned orbital missions were launched from this pad. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

Launch Complex 14 Launch Complex 14 Launch Complex 14 Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse

Launch Complex 17 (LC-17)

Launch Complex 17, includes two launch pads, 17A and 17B, and was a launch site for Thor and Delta rockets. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

Pad 17A

Launch Complex 17 Launch Complex 17

Pad 17B

Launch Complex 17 Launch Complex 17

Launch Complex 19 (LC-19)

Launch Complex 19 was the launch site for all ten manned Gemini missions. Additionally, 17 unmanned Titan I and Titan II missions were flown from the complex. Gemini 12, launched on November 11, 1966, was the last mission launched from complex 19.
NOTE: Since these photos were taken, the white room has been restored and moved to the Air Force Space & Missile Museum.
(These photos were taken by Richard Kruse in 1997.)

Launch Complex 19 Launch Complex 19 Launch Complex 19 Launch Complex 19 Launch Complex 19 Gemini Launch Pad Gemini Launch Pad Gemini Launch Pad Gemini Launch Pad Gemini Launch Pad Gemini Launch Pad Gemini Pad 19 Gemini Pad 19 Gemini Pad 19 Gemini Pad 19

Launch Complex 19 White Room has been restored and is now on display at the Air Force Space and Missile Museum
(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

Launch Complex 19 Whiteroom Launch Complex 19 Whiteroom Launch Complex 19 Whiteroom Launch Complex 19 Whiteroom Launch Complex 19 Whiteroom Launch Complex 19 Whiteroom Launch Complex 19 Whiteroom

Launch Complex 26 (LC-26)

Launch Complex 26 included two launch pads, 26A and 26B. Several dozen Redstone, Juno II, Jupiter, and Jupiter-C rockets were launched from the complex. Complex 26 was deactivated in 1964 and is now home of the United States Airforce Space and Missile Museum.

Launch Complex 26 (LC-26) - Cape Canaveral

Photos of the blockhouse at Complex 26. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

LC-26 Blockhouse from pad LC-26 Blockhouse exterior LC-26 Blockhouse LC-26 Blockhouse electronics LC-26 Blockhouse LC-26 Blockhouse blast window LC-26 Blockhouse blast window LC-26 Blockhouse LC-26 Blockhouse scale LC-26 Electronics

Launch Complex 34 (LC-34)

Photos of Pad 34. Pad 34 was the site of the Apollo 1 fire in 1967. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

Pad Foundation

Launch Complex 34 Launch Complex 34 Launch Complex 34 Launch Complex 34 Abandon in place Launch Complex 34 Launch Complex 34 Launch Complex 34

Flame defectors at LC-34.

Launch Complex 34 flame defectors. Launch Complex 34 flame defectors. Launch Complex 34 flame defectors. Launch Complex 34 flame defectors. Launch Complex 34 flame defectors.

LC-34 Blockhouse

Launch Complex 34 Blockhouse Launch Complex 34 Blockhouse Launch Complex 34 Blockhouse

Launch Complex 37 (LC-37)

Launch Complex 37 is currently the launch pad for Delta-IV rockets. First built in the 1960's, Complex 37 was initially used to launch Saturn I and IB rockets. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

Launch Complex 37 - Wide shot. Launch Complex 37 - Launch tower. Launch Complex 37 - Delta IV Launch Pad. Launch Complex 37 - Shelter. Launch Complex 37 - Shelter top.

Launch Complex 39 - Kennedy Space Center

A few photos of the Vehicle Assembly Building and pads 39A and 39B. Photos taken from the Launch Complex 39 Observation Gantry, Kennedy Space Center. (Photos: Kevin Reynolds, 2000.)

Launch Complex 39 Launch Complex 39 Launch Complex 39 Launch Complex 39 Launch Complex 39 Launch Complex 39 Launch Complex 39

Launch Complex 39 - Crew Access Arm and White Room (Apollo Era)

Apollo era crew access arm and white room on display at Kennedy Space Center. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

Swing Arm

Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm Launch Complex 39 Access Arm

White Room Exterior

LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room

White Room Interior

LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room LC-39 Apollo White Room

Launch Complex 41

Launch Complex 41 was a launch site for Titan III and Titan IV rockets. The pad is currentled used by Atlas V. (Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009.)

Launch Complex 41
Creative Commons License Images by Richard Kruse are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.