Historic Spacecraft

International Space Station Visiting Vehicle Graphic Generator


Located below the diagram is a drop-down menu for each ISS docking or berthing port. Users can select vehicles from the menu to display at that port.

Visiting Vehicle Data boxes, off by default, may be turned on. These data boxes include several short text fields that can be filled with data of the user's choice, perhaps mission designation number, arrival date, and departure date.

Users can add a title and subtitle if they wish.

Finally, several radio buttons allow users to change certain aspects of the diagram, including changing the modules docked to the Service Module nadir port, or selecting between a black or white background.

I created the app using JavaScript and HTML Canvas. In most browsers, the completed illustrations can be saved by right-clicking and choosing save-as. Unfortunately, this does not seem to work in Internet Explorer. Some users may have to do a screen-cap of the page and use an image editor to crop the image.

Spacecraft Type
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3

Chart Title:
Sub Title:
Draw ISS as: Shape Detailed
Port Labels: On Off
Visiting Vehicle Data: On Off
Background Color: White Black
Include PMA3 at Node-2 Zenith?: Yes No
Module at SM Nadir?: DC-1 MLM (Nauka) MLM + Node Module (Prichal)


The following sample illustrations were created using this app.

Space Station Visiting Vehicles
Sample visiting vehicles graphic.
(View Larger Version)
Space Station Visiting Vehicles
Sample visiting vehicles graphic.
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Space Station Visiting Vehicles
Sample visiting vehicles graphic.
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Space Station Visiting Vehicles
Sample visiting vehicles graphic with the Nauka and Prichal modules.
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Space Station Visiting Vehicles
Sample visiting vehicles graphic.
(View Larger Version)
Creative Commons License Images by Richard Kruse are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.