Historic Spacecraft Historic Spacecraft Logo

V-2 Rockets

V-2 Missile


V-2 on display at the National Air and Space Museum. (Photos: Richard Kruse)

V-2 rocket overview V-2 rocket V-2 rocket V-2 rocket tail section Looking up at V-2 rocket

Base Detail Shots

V-2 rocket jet vanes V-2 rocket base V-2 rocket base V-2 rocket fins V-2 rocket fin detail shot V-2 rocket fin closeup V-2 rocket base

V-2 Engine

V-2 engine on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force near Dayton, Ohio

(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2007)

V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine V2 Engine

V-2 engine on display at the United States Space and Rocket Center

(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2007)

V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor

V-2 engine on display at the Air Force Space and Missile Museum

(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2008)

V2 Motor at Cape Canaveral V2 Motor at Cape Canaveral V2 Motor at Cape Canaveral V2 Motor at Cape Canaveral

V-2 Thrust Chamber on display at the Udvar-Hazy Center

(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2008)

V-2 combustion chamber V-2 combustion chamber V-2 combustion chamber

V-2 Thrust Chamber on display at the Michigan Space Science Center

(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2008)

V2 Motor V2 Motor V2 Motor

V-2 Turbopump on display at the Udvar-Hazy Center

(Photos: Richard Kruse, 2009)

V-2 rocket motor turbopump V-2 rocket motor turbopump V-2 rocket motor turbopump V-2 rocket motor turbopump V-2 rocket motor turbopump
Creative Commons License Images by Richard Kruse are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.